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(Ron Bell unless noted)

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    10/13/2024 - Psalm 95 - Danny Hobby
    10/6/2024 - Sayings of the Wise - Let Common Courtesy be Common - Proverbs 23:1-3
    9/29/2024 - Sayings of the Wise - Stay Wise When Surrounded by the Unwise - Proverbs 24
    9/22/2024 - Sayings of the Wise - Best Friends...Not to Have - Proverbs 22-24
    9/15/2024 - Sayings of the Wise - Proverbs 22:22-23
    9/8/2024 - Sayings of the Wise - Proverbs 22:17-21
    9/1/2024 - Building the Temple
    8/25/2024 - Lessons from Jacob - Tanner Stone
    8/18/2024 - The Good Life
    8/11/2024 - False Witness
    8/4/2024 - Order - 1 Cor. 14
    7/28/2024 - Understanding - 1 Cor. 14
    7/21/2024 - Holy Spirit - Part 2
    7/14/2024 - Holy Spirit - Part 1
    7/7/2024 - Tribute to Wally Tackett
    6/30/2024 - The Son of Man
    6/16/2024 - The Father
    6/9/2024 - The Church
    6/2/2024 - Baptism
    5/26/2024 - The Lord's Supper
    5/19/2024 - The Way Less Traveled
    5/12/2024 - Happy Mother's Day
    5/5/2024 - Don't Live a Static Life
    4/28/2024 - Be Better at Judging
    4/21/2024 - Living the Worry-Free Life
    4/14/2024 - Where Is Your Treasure?
    4/7/2024 - The How and What of Our Resurrection
    3/31/2024 - Christ Has Indeed Been Risen
    3/24/2024 - The Physican Who Never Lost a Case - Marshall Keeble
    3/17/2024 - Ingredients of Prayer
    3/10/2024 - Where to Practice Rightousness
    3/3/2024 - Living Inside Out
    2/25/2024 - Persecuted
    2/18/2024 - Peacemakers
    2/11/2024 - Pure in Heart
    2/4/2024 - Merciful
    1/28/2024 - Hunger and Thirst after Righteousness
    1/21/2024 - Meekness
    1/14/2024 - Those that Mourn
    1/7/2024 - The Poor in Spirit
    12/31/2023 - Introduction to the Sermon on the Mount
    12/24/2023 - What Does Christmas Say to the World?
    12/17/2023 - Is Christmas About Christ?
    12/10/2023 - Chear Me Up, O Lord - Psalm 13
    12/3/2023 - Self Control
    11/26/2023 - Heart of Worship - Psalm 100
    11/19/2023 - Give Thanks - Psalm 107
    11/12/2023 - Church Matters
    11/5/2023 - The Bitter Root
    10/29/2023 - What the Church Says
    10/22/2023 - Discernment - 1 Thessalonians 5:20-22
    10/15/2023 - No Separation
    10/8/2023 - No Condemnation
    10/1/2023 - God Delivers Me Through Jesus Christ
    9/24/2023 - What Does the Gospel Mean to Me? - Marlon Patterson
    9/17/2023 - C.A.L.M - Danny Hobby
    9/10/2023 - We Serve In the New Way - Romans 6:15-7:6
    9/3/2023 - To the Work
    8/27/2023 - What Shall We Say? - Romans 6
    8/20/2023 - Grace Reigns - Romans 5
    8/13/2023 - His Grace Reaches Me - Romans 4
    8/6/2023 - This Changes Everything - Romans 3:31
    7/30/2023 - The Gospel Is For All - Romans 3:28-30
    7/23/2023 - A Paradigm Shift - Romans 3:27-31
    7/16/2023 - The Center of the Bible - Romans 3:10-26
    7/9/2023 - All Under the Power of Sin - Romans 2-3
    7/2/2023 - The Wrath of God - Romans 1:18-35
    6/25/2023 - The Righteousness of God - Romans 1:1-18
    6/18/2023 - God Is My Father
    6/11/2023 - When the Wicked Strut About
    6/4/2023 - Listen & Obey - Psalm 81 - Danny Hobby
    5/28/2023 - The Way, The Truth, The Life - Tim Brinthaupt
    5/21/2023 - An Often Overlooked Mother
    5/14/2023 - The Leadership of the Local Church
    5/7/2023 - The Agony of Jesus - Part 1
    4/30/2023 - Thermometer or Thermostat?
    4/23/2023 - God First - Haggai 1-2 - Danny Hobby
    4/16/2023 - Seeing Self
    4/9/2023 - Three Questions About the Resurrection
    4/2/2023 - Through Out Payback
    3/26/2023 - Wisdom's Advantage
    3/19/2023 - Rejoice in the Lord
    3/12/2023 - What We Believe - About the End Things-Part 2 (Audio)  (Lesson Sheet)
    3/5/2023 - Noble Task
    2/26/2023 - What We Believe - About the End Things-Part 1 (Audio)  (Lesson Sheet)
    2/19/2023 - What We Believe - About Becoming a Christian (Audio)  (Lesson Sheet)
    2/12/2023 - What We Believe - About the church (Audio)  (Lesson Sheet)
    2/5/2023 - What We Believe - About the Holy Spirit (Audio)  (Lesson Sheet)
    1/29/2023 - What We Believe - About Jesus (Audio)  (Lesson Sheet)
    1/22/2023 - What We Believe - About God (Audio)  (Lesson Sheet)
    1/15/2023 - What We Believe - About the Bible (Audio)  (Lesson Sheet)
    1/8/2023 - What We Believe - About Doctrine (Audio)  (Lesson Sheet)
    1/1/2023 - The Good Life
    12/25/2022 - Ten Wonderful Truths About Jesus' Birth
    12/18/2022 - A Learned Way of Life (2) - Eph. 4:25 - 5:2
    12/11/2022 - A Learned Way of Life (1) - Eph. 4:17-24
    12/4/2022 - Not Rocket Science
    11/27/2022 - Eternal Things
    11/20/2022 - I Have Thankfulness - 1 Tim. 1:12-17
    11/13/2022 - Finish Well - 2 Chron. 26
    11/6/2022 - What Do You Think? - Matt. 21:28-32
    10/30/2022 - Becomming Community - Acts 2:42-47
    10/23/2022 - Church's Prime Time - 1 Cor. 14
    10/16/2022 - Preach Like Paul - 1 Cor. 1:18-2:5
    10/9/2022 - When Life Throws You a Curve Ball - Tim Brinthaupt
    10/2/2022 - Pray Like a Prophet - Habakkuk 3:1-2
    9/25/2022 - In His Majesty's Service - 2 Corinthians 8 & 9
    9/18/2022 - A Blueprint for Churches - 2 Kings 6:1-6
    9/11/2022 - Following Through - Luke 6:46-49
    9/4/2022 - The Misunderstood Command - Luke 6:37-45
    8/28/2022 - A Hard Command - Luke 6:27-36
    8/21/2022 - Joy in a Dark Place - Phil. 1:12-21 - Lee Henry
    8/14/2022 - Leadership
    8/7/2022 - Getting the Right Perspective - Luke 6:20-26
    7/24/2022 - Southern Africa Bible College - Kirk Eason
    7/17/2022 - Nature's God - Psalm 65
    7/10/2022 - Do I Love Thy Church, O God? - Isaiah 61 & 62
    7/3/2022 - Living Stones - Isaiah 61
    6/26/2022 - Oaks of Righteousness - Isaiah 61
    6/19/2022 - Going Home Justified - Luke 18:9-14
    6/12/2022 - Our Grave Responsibility - Acts 2:37-47
    6/5/2022 - Pentecost - Acts 2
    5/29/2022 - The Call of Wisdom (Tim Brinthaupt)
    5/22/2022 - The Costly Pearl - Matthew 13:45-46
    5/15/2022 - Renewal Starts with Me - 2 Chron. 34:1-8
    5/8/2022 - What Mary Said - Luke 1:46-55
    5/1/2022 - Hezekiah (Trevor Stone)
    4/24/2022 - How to Handle a Hidden Future - Eccl. 7:13-14
    4/17/2022 - Jesus is the Author of Life
    4/10/2022 - Questioning Jesus
    4/3/2022 - Victory in Jesus
    3/27/2022 - The Spiritual War: Part Two - Revelation 13-14
    3/20/2022 - The Spiritual War: Part One - Revelation 12
    3/13/2022 - Heaven's Open Door - Revelation 4-5
    3/6/2022 - Into Our Hands - Jude 3-4
    2/27/2022 - Mission to Earth - 3 John
    2/20/2022 - You Can Know - 1 John 5:13-20
    2/13/2022 - Add to Your Faith - 2 Peter 1:3-11
    2/6/2022 - It Only Takes a Tablespoon - 2 Kings 6:11-19
    1/30/2022 - Listen for God (Danny Hobby)
    1/23/2022 - Living a Good Life In a Not-so-good World - 1 Peter
    1/16/2022 - The Awareness of God in Our Lives (Tim Brinthaupt)
    1/9/2022 - Faith and Works Matter - James
    1/2/2022 - How to Stay Fresh in Your Faith - Hebrews
    12/26/2021 - Who is Jesus - Hebrews
    12/19/2021 - What Grace Said About Grace - Luke 2:36-38
    12/12/2021 - When Sineon Saw Jesus - Luke 2:25-35
    12/5/2021 - I Am Not Ashamed - 2 Timothy 1:12
    11/28/2021 - Train Yourself to Godliness - 1 Timothy 4:7
    11/21/2021 - Thank You, Jesus - 1 Timothy 1:12-17
    11/14/2021 - It All Pans Out - 2 Thessalonians 1:3-10
    11/7/2021 - Making a Good Living (2) - 1 Thessalonians 4:11-12
    10/31/2021 - Making a Good Living (1) - Colossians 3:1-17
    10/24/2021 - Fullness in Christ - Colossians 2:9-15
    10/17/2021 - Effects of the Spirit (Tim Brinthaupt)
    10/10/2021 - Reason to Pray - Ephesians 3:14-21
    10/3/2021 - A Bible Principle - Galatians 6:7
    9/26/2021 - How to Live - Galatians 5:13-26
    9/19/2021 - Focus on Forever - 2 Cor 4:16-5:10
    9/12/2021 - Baptism for the Dead? Really?! - 1 Cor 15:29-34
    9/5/2021 - Many Parts, One Body - Romans 12:12
    8/29/2021 - Love Down In My Heart - Romans 12:9
    8/22/2021 - Yes, Please - Romans 5:1-4
    8/15/2021 - Make Those Faith Changes
    8/8/2021 - The God You're Looking For
    8/1/2021 - God Helps Those Who...
    7/25/2021 - Ecclesiastical Nomenclature
    7/18/2021 - Rescue the Perishing
    7/11/2021 - I Had a Debt I Could Not Pay
    7/4/2021 - How I Love the Great Redeemer
    6/27/2021 - What Can Be Known About Heaven?
    6/20/2021 - I Love My Bible
    6/13/2021 - A Little While - John 16:16-22 (Danny Hobby)
    6/6/2021 - Sour Grapes - Ezekiel 18
    5/30/2021 - Stones of Remembrance - Joshua 4
    5/23/2021 - An Example to Follow - 1 Cor 11:1
    5/16/2021 - What Enoch Teaches Us - Genesis 5
    5/9/2021 - Marks of Motherhood - 2 Timothy
    5/2/2021 - A Word to Youth - Eccl 11:7-12:8
    4/25/2021 - Growing Old With Grace - Psalm 71
    4/18/2021 - Handling the Word - Acts 17:11
    4/11/2021 - Handling the Word - 2 Timothy 2:15
    4/4/2021 - The Hope to Live Forever - Psalms 42 & 43
    3/28/2021 - Jehoshaphat's Battle - 2 Chron 20 (Kirk Eason)
    3/21/2021 - Growing Your Faith - Mark 4:35-41
    3/14/2021 - Pursue Love - 1Cor 13
    3/7/2021 - Male and Female He Created Them - Part Two
    2/28/2021 - Male and Female He Created Them - Part One
    2/21/2021 - Why Does God Allow Trials - James 1:2-6
    2/7/2021 - All in the Family - Gen. 9:18-19
    1/31/2021 - How Do We Know? - Heb. 11:1-3
    1/24/2021 - What an Angel Shows Us About the Church - Rev. 21:9-27
    1/17/2021 - A Noble Theme - Psalm 45
    1/3/2021 - Feed My Sheep (Tim Brinthaupt)
    12/27/2020 - What the Good News Is
    12/20/2020 - How the Good News Began
    12/13/2020 - The Light of All Mankind
    12/6/2020 - God Over All(4)
    11/29/2020 - Getting Rid of Anxiety (Danny Hobby)
    11/22/2020 - Psalm 107, Dangers, Toils and Snares
    11/15/2020 - God Over All (3)
    11/8/2020 - God Over All (2)
    11/1/2020 - God Over All (1)
    11/1/2020 - And Now, A Word From God
    10/25/2020 - The Challenge to be a Disciple
    10/18/2020 - Our Children's Education
    10/11/2020 - The Bible and Devotion
    10/4/2020 - Rejoicing With a Gentle Spirit (Tim Brinthaupt)
    9/27/2020 - The Good Book & Preaching
    9/20/2020 - The Good Book - Introduction
    9/13/2020 - When the Wise Speak
    9/6/2020 - Teach Me Lord to Wait
    8/30/2020 - Anger Isn't Always Wrong
    8/23/2020 - Anger Management
    8/16/2020 - How to be Your Best When Things Are At Their Worst
    8/9/2020 - Elements of Faith
    8/2/2020 - A Walk Down Roman's Road
    7/26/2020 - "Born again? WHY?"
    7/19/2020 - "Born again? WHAT?"
    7/12/2020 - Back to Faith
    7/5/2020 - Special Delivery
    6/28/2020 - Going to Church
    6/21/2020 - Scripture, Prayer and Hope (Danny Hobby)
    6/14/2020 - Help Wanted
    6/7/2020 - This Day is the Lord's
    5/31/2020 - Ember Up
    5/24/2020 - Safe Harbor
    5/17/2020 - (4) To Teach the Things You Already Know / Worship
    5/10/2020 - (3) To Teach the Things You Already Know / The Church
    5/3/2020 - (2) To Teach the Things You Already Know / Jesus
    4/26/2020 - (1) To Teach the Things You Already Know / Intro
    4/19/2020 - Motives
    4/12/2020 - Celebrating Life
    4/5/2020 - Trusting God
    3/29/2020 - Suspended, Not Ended
    3/22/2020 - The Lord's Supper
    3/15/2020 - God Freely Pardons
    3/8/2020 - Second Chances (Stan Reid)
    3/1/2020 - Daily Prayer
    2/23/2020 - Where No One Stands Alone
    2/16/2020 - I'll Be Listening
    2/9/2020 - Ready or Not, Here They Come (2)
    2/2/2020 - Ready or Not, Here They Come (1)
    1/26/2020 - The Mystery of the Holy Spirit (3)
    1/19/2020 - The Mystery of the Holy Spirit (2)
    1/12/2020 - The Mystery of the Holy Spirit (1)
    1/5/2020 - And In the End

    12/29/2019 - Keep Pride Within Its Proper Limits
    12/22/2019 - The Virgin Birth Is a Sign From God
    12/15/2019 - Looking for the Promise
    12/8/2019 - The Great Physician
    12/1/2019 - Never Give Up on God
    11/24/2019 - Giving Thanks Praises God
    11/17/2019 - Who Will Follow Jesus?
    11/10/2019 - Eph 6:10-20 Heavenly Armor
    11/3/2019 - I Want Change
    10/27/2019 - Eph 6:1-4 Family Matters
    10/20/2019 - Eph 5:22-24 Venus and Mars (2)
    10/13/2019 - Eph 5:21-33 Venus and Mars (1)
    10/6/2019 - What Is the Gospel? (Steven Lawson)
    9/29/2019 - Walking in Love All of My Journey
    9/22/2019 - Told and Insisted upon the Lord
    9/15/2019 - Multiplication by Division
    9/8/2019 - The House That God Built (Stan Reid)
    9/1/2019 - The Measure of Growth
    8/25/2019 - Mystery's Administration
    8/18/2019 - Jesus Is Our Peace
    8/11/2019 - Who Is Christ? (Danny Hobby)
    8/4/2019 - Encouraging Words for Times of Discouragement (Stan Reid)
    7/28/2019 - Eph 4 The Incredible Wealth of God's Favor and Kindness
    7/21/2019 - Eph 3 Imcomparably Great Hope
    7/14/2019 - Eph 2 Where Do I Go From Here?
    7/7/2019 - Eph 1 How Did I Get Here?
    6/30/2019 - Will I Be Bored in Heaven?
    6/23/2019 - A Riddle Wrapped in a Psalm(49)
    6/16/2019 - Borrowed Father
    6/9/2019 - Grace of God, Gospel
    6/2/2019 - Take a Good Look at the Good News
    5/26/2019 - Remembering Our Youthful Devotion
    5/19/2019 - Sermon from an Unknown Voice
    5/12/2019 - The First Sign of Jesus
    5/5/2019 - Book of Jude
    4/28/2019 - Morals, Missing in America 2
    4/21/2019 - Come Alive!
    4/14/2019 - The Exceptional End of the Bell-Shaped Curve
    4/7/2019 - Morals, Missing in America 1 (File Missing)
    3/31/2019 - The Good of Confession (2)
    3/24/2019 - The Good of Confession (1)
    3/17/2019 - Intentionally Christian
    3/10/2019 - Abortion, the Bible and the Christian
    3/3/2019 - Change
    2/24/2019 - Getting Heavenly Reinforcement
    2/10/2019 - Our of the Ordinary
    2/3/2019 - Ask, Seek, Knock and Us
    1/27/2019 - See Hear
    1/20/2019 - God, the Great Equalizer
    1/13/2019 - The Handoff (Stan Reid)
    1/6/2019 - The Ideal Self (Danny Hobby)

    12/30/2018 - Building With Wisdom
    12/23/2018 - Certainty in an Uncertain World
    12/16/2018 - Zechariah's Poem
    12/9/2018 - God's Mercy
    12/2/2018 - Outreach
    11/25/2018 - Extoling the Lord
    11/18/2018 - What the Woman at the Well Teaches Us
    11/11/2018 - Tending to the Heart
    11/4/18 - Do's and Don'ts (Danny Hobby)
    10/28/2018 - Don't Fret
    10/21/2018 - Train Yourself to be Godly
    10/14/2018 - The Secret of Contentment
    10/7/2018 - Servants of the Lord (Jeff Peterson)
    9/30/2018 - By Faith You...
    9/23/2018 - Living Positively in a Negative World (Ps 36)
    9/16/2018 - Starting All Over
    9/9/2018 - Baptism (3) / Rebaptism
    9/2/2018 - Baptism (2) / Rebaptism
    8/26/2018 - Adopted By God (Marvin Whitt)
    8/19/2018 - Baptism (1) / Romans 6
    8/12/2018 - Marriage By The Book
    8/5/2018 - Travel Through Life
    7/29/2018 - Our Prayer Target / Rom 10:1
    7/22/2018 - Gaining Confidence / Phil 3:9
    7/15/2018 - Options in Giving
    7/1/2018 - Spiritual Armor
    6/24/2018 - Our Eternal Eye Doctor
    6/17/2018 - A Father's Love (Lee Henry)
    6/10/2018 - On Bended Knee (Stan Reid)
    6/3/2018 - Share Your Faith (Kirk Eason)
    5/27/2018 - Honor (Danny Hobby)
    5/13/2018 - Mother's Day
    5/6/2018 - Restore Our Fortune
    4/29/2018 - Promises, Promises, Promises (Danny Hobby)
    4/22/2018 - When Your Bowstring Breaks
    4/15/2018 - Wholeness from God
    4/8/2018 - Return to Sender
    4/1/2018 - The Resurrection Makes Perfect Sense
    3/25/2018 - But Death Is Not The Last Word (Stan Reid)
    3/18/2018 - The Holy Spirit (Danny Hobby)
    3/11/2018 - What Christian Living Is All About
    3/4/2018 - Wake Up!
    2/25/2018 - Three Fears in Following God (Resolved)
    2/18/2018 - Destination:Glory
    2/11/2018 - The Cure for Loneliness
    2/4/2018 - The Sowing and Reaping Principle
    1/28/2018 - Becoming a Wow! Christian
    1/21/2018 - Getting in the Right Mind
    1/14/2018 - Growing Together (Ted Scarborough, Ron Bell, Danny Hobby & Richard Stevens)
    1/7/2018 - Keep Your Confidence

    12/31/2017 - Three Resolutions for 2018
    12/24/2017 - He Has Come to Redeem
    12/17/2017 - The Mountain of the Lord
    12/10/2017 - Mission of Hope
    12/3/2017 - Perfect Peace
    11/26/2017 - Clothe Yourself in Gladness
    11/19/2017 - The Twilight of Christmas (Stan Reid)
    11/12/2017 - Colossians 4:2-6 (Tom Hagan)
    11/5/2017 - The Lord Is My Banner
    10/29/2017 - Would God Have Me
    10/22/2017 - When the Jailer Was Freed
    10/15/2017 - This is From God
    10/8/2017 - Lesson from the Fig Tree
    10/1/2017 - The Heart of the Kingdom (Lee Henry)
    9/24/2017 - Be Faithful in Prayer
    9/17/2017 - The Way
    9/10/2017 - Now to Believe
    9/3/2017 - Your Mission
    8/27/2017 - Sailing Through Storms
    8/20/2017 - Reasoning Correctly (Cedric Lightner)
    8/13/2017 - From Heaven with Truth
    8/5/2017 - Scripture Matters
    7/30/2017 - Living in Harmony
    7/23/2017 - Can God Be Pleased?
    7/16/2017 - God's Greatness - Psalm 104
    7/9/2017 - Forgiveness - Psalm 103
    7/2/2017 - United We Stand
    6/25/2017 - Sowing Generously
    6/18/2017 - Look to Abraham, Your Father
    6/11/2017 - Choosing God
    6/4/2017 - A New Beginning
    5/28/2017 - The Day He Was Taken Up to Heaven
    5/21/2017 - Jesus Is Enough
    5/14/2017 - Teach Your Children Well - Hebrews 11
    5/7/2017 - The Life Changing Word of God
    4/30/2017 - Singing In the Rain (Lee Henry)
    4/23/2017 - My Father's World
    4/16/2017 - Easter - The Reason Why
    4/9/2017 - Psalm 40 "What to Do When You're Stuck in the Mud"
    4/2/2017 - Psalm 14 "What a Fool Says"
    3/26/2017 - Victory from the Jaws of Defeat
    3/17/2017 - I Thess 5:16-28 "Direction for Your Soul"
    3/12/2017 - I Thess 5:12-15 "Ties That Bind"
    3/5/2017 - I Thess. 4:13 - 5:11 "Left Behind"
    2/26/2017 - Worship and Warning (Danny Hobby)
    2/19/2017 - Hebrews 12 "The Christian Marathon"
    2/12/2017 - I Thess. 4 "Two Loves"
    2/5/2017 - I Thess. 3 "The Matter of Sanctification"
    1/29/2017 - I Thess. 2 "Immaculate Reception"
    1/22/2017 - I Thess. 1:1-10
    1/15/2017 - The Gospel = "Good News"
    1/8/2017 - Looking Forward
    1/1/2017 - Plans of the Heart

    12/25/2016 - Peace On Earth
    12/18/2016 - Wisdom Comes in Small Packages
    12/11/2016 - The Center Point: The Ressurection and Life
    12/4/2016 - The Center Point: The Good Shepherd
    11/27/2016 - Keys to Successful Evangelism (Lee Henry)
    11/20/2016 - Thanksgiving
    11/13/2016 - The Center Point: Light of Life
    11/6/2016 - The Center Point: Bread of Life
    10/30/2016 - The Holy Spirit (Fred Bergh, Southern Africa Bible College)
    10/23/2016 - The Center Point: Jesus
    10/16/2016 - Basics of Assembled Worship: Why Prayer & Praise?
    10/9/2016 - Basics of Assembled Worship: Why Preaching
    10/2/2016 - Basics of Assembled Worship: Why Giving?
    9/25/2016 - Basics of Assembled Worship: Why the Lord's Supper?
    9/18/2016 - Basics of Assembled Worship: Why Sunday?
    9/11/2016 - Basics of Assembled Worship: What is Worship?
    9/4/2016 - Make Time for God (Danny Hobby)
    8/28/2016 - Get Smart: About Suspicion
    8/21/2016 - Get Smart: Losing the Loser's Limp
    8/14/2016 - Get Smart: About Pretense
    8/7/2016 - Get Smart: About Getting Mad
    7/31/2016 - Get Smart: About Pride and Arrogance
    7/24/2016 - Get Smart: About Aimlessness
    7/17/2016 - The Perilous Pursuit pf Perfection (Lee Henry)
    7/10/2016 - Welcome to Paradise Valley #2
    7/3/2016 - Welcome to Paradise Valley #1
    6/26/2016 - Get Smart: Examine Yourself
    6/19/2016 - Love One Another
    6/12/2016 - Lost and Found
    6/5/2016 - From a Distance (Lee Henry)
    5/29/2016 - Live as Free People
    5/22/2016 - Keep a Clear Conscience
    5/15/2016 - Showing Proper Respect
    5/8/2016 - The Mother of the Light of the World
    5/1/2016 - Partnership in the Gospel
    4/24/2016 - Filling the Void
    4/17/2016 - To Do List
    4/10/2016 - Masters & Slaves, Boses & Workers
    4/3/2016 - Love One-Another
    3/27/2016 - We Will Be Resurrected
    3/20/2016 - I Believe. Help My Unbelief (Lee Henry)
    3/13/2016 - The Family Looking Up
    3/6/2016 - Let Peace Rule, the Word Dwell & Do All in the Name of Jesus
    2/28/2016 - Things are Lookin' Up!
    2/21/2016 - Live Fully in Christ
    2/17/2016 - Interuptions (Lee Henry)
    2/14/2016 - Marriage is a Team Effort
    2/7/2016 - A Neighbor to Those Who Fall into Trouble
    1/31/2016 - Christ in You, the Hope of Glory
    1/24/2016 - Supremacy of Christ
    1/17/2016 - Interuptions (Lee Henry)
    1/10/2016 - Christ's Thoughts on Service (Danny Hobby)
    1/3/2016 - For 2016, I Would Like __?

    12/27/2015  - Joy in a Dark Place (Lee Henry)
    12/20/2015  - John 1:19-ff
    12/13/2015  - John 1:1-18
    12/6/2015  - Basics of Christianity 7- The Judgement
    11/29/2015  - Basics of Christianity 6- The Resurrection
    11/22/2015  - Thanksgiving
    11/15/2015  - Basics of Christianity 5- Laying On of Hands
    11/8/2015  - Basics of Christianity 4- Baptism
    11/1/2015  - Basics of Christianity 3- Faith
    10/25/2015 - Basics of Christianity 2- Repentance
    10/18/2015 - Basics of Christianity 1- Introduction, Hebrews 6
    10/11/2015 - The Way We Were (Lee Henry)
    10/4/2015  - Consider It Joy (Tim Brinthaupt)
    9/27/2015  - Jesus, the Great Teacher 4- The "P"s of Jesus' Message
    9/20/2015  - Jesus, the Great Teacher 3- Sharing the Faith
    9/13/2015  - Jesus, the Great Teacher 2- Listen Carefully
    9/6/2015   - Jesus, the Great Teacher 1- He is the Authority
    8/30/2015  - The Scars and the Stories (Stan Reid)
    8/23/2015  - I Am a Church Member 11- I am a Faithful Church Member
    8/16/201 5 - I Am a Church Member 10- I am a Loving Church Member/A>
8/9/2015   - I Am a Church Member 9- I am a Supporting Church Member
    8/2/2015  - I Am a Church Member 8- I am a Childlike Church Member
    7/26/2015  - I Am a Church Member 7- I am a Praying Church Member
    7/19/2015  - I Am a Church Member 6- I am a Christ Centered Church Member
    7/12/2015  - I Am a Church Member 5- I am a Bible Based Church Member
    7/5/2015   - How Beautiful Heaven Must Be
    6/28/2015  - I Am a Church Member 4- I Will Not Make Church about My Preferences
    6/21/2015  - I Am a Church Member 3- I am a Family Member
    6/14/2015  - I Am a Church Member 2- I am a Unifying Church Member
    6/7/2015   - I Am a Church Member 1- I am a Functioning Church Member
    5/31/2015  - Putting Mankind in its Place- 5 Mankind is Something Special
    5/24/2015  - Putting Mankind in its Place- 4 Truth of Brotherhood of Mankind
    5/17/2015  - Putting Mankind in its Place- 3 The Created Have Their Limitations
    5/10/2015  - A Joyful Heart
    5/2/2015   - Putting Mankind in its Place 2 - He Is a Part of Creation
    4/26/2015  - Matthew 11 (Danny Hobby)
    4/19/2015  - Putting Mankind in its Place - 1
    4/12/2015  - Psalm 78
    4/5/2015   - Ten Proofs of the Resurrection
    3/29/2015  - The Mission
    3/22/2015  - Jesus Can Change Lives (Keith Stanglin)
    3/15/2015  - Obstacles
    3/8/2015   - Woman Caught in Sin
    2/15/2015  - Luke 15- God's Compassion
    2/8/2015   - Luke 14- Practical Faith
    1/25/2015  - Keeping Your Eye On the Ball
    1/18/2015  - The Value of God's Love
    1/11/2015  - The Calling of Levi
    1/4/2015   - This Year in Preview

    12/28/2014 - Wisdom's Top Ten
    12/21/2014 - Wiseman-Up
    12/14/2014 - Merry Christmas! So What?
    12/7/2014  - Psalm 98
    11/30/2014 - Who Is My Neighbor? (Danny Hobby)
    11/23/2014 - Psalm 67
    11/16/2014 - Fixing a Broken World - 3
    11/9/2014  - Fixing a Broken World - 2
    11/2/2014  - Fixing a Broken World - 1
    10/26/2014 - Psalm 23
    10/19/2014 - Becoming a Christian
    10/12/2014 - James 5:13-20
    9/28/2014  - James 5:12
    9/21/2014  - James 5:7-11
    9/14/2014  - Baptism (Jeff Peterson)
    9/7/2014   - James 4:1-5:5
    8/31/2014  - James 3:13-18
    8/24/2014  - James 3:1-12
    8/17/2014  - Depression
    8/10/2014  - James 2:14-26
    8/3/2014   - James 2:1-13
    7/27/2014  - James 1:9-27
    7/20/2014  - James 1:2-8
    7/6/2014   - Where We Meet
    6/29/2014  - Who Is Jesus? (Danny Hobby)
    6/22/2014  - Zephaniah
    6/15/2014  - Psalm 128
    6/8/2014   - Active Belief
    6/1/2014   - A Pep Talk
    5/25/2014  - At the Feet of Jesus (Danny Hobby)
    5/18/2014  - You Can Be an Extraordinary Christians
    5/11/2014  - Hannah's Commitment to Motherhood
    5/4/2014   - Finding Truth about Jesus
    4/27/2014  - Psalm 124
    4/20/2014  - If I Die, will I Live Again
    4/13/2014  - Prayer Matters
    4/6/2014   - N-O-A-H
    3/30/2014  - Glad You Asked
    3/23/2014  - Sonrise (Lee Henry)
    3/16/2014  - When We Walk with the Lord
    3/9/2014   - Sprint Forward
    3/2/2014   - Ecclesiastes - Remember Your Creator
    2/23/2014  - Ecclesiastes - Advice for Success in Life
    2/16/2014  - Ecclesiastes - Look on the Bright Side
    2/9/2014   - Ecclesiastes - The Possible Misery of Money
    2/2/2014   - Ecclesiastes - The Race is Not to the Swift
    1/26/2014  - Ecclesiastes - The Wisdom of Wisdom
    1/19/2014  - Ecclesiastes - Religion, Really?
    1/12/2014  - Ecclesiastes - What's It All About
    1/5/2014   - Ecclesiastes - The Pursuit of Happiness

    12/22/2013 - New Life in an Old Story
    12/8/2013 - Tis the Season to be Jolly
    12/1/2013   - A Simple Rule of Thumb
    11/24/2013 - Let Us Be Thankful
    11/17/2013 - Psalm 55 (Danny Hobby)
    11/10/2013 - 1 Peter - 6
    10/27/2013 - 1 Peter - 4
    10/20/2013 - 1 Peter - 3
    10/13/2013 - 1 Peter - 2
    10/6/2013   - 1 Peter - 1
    9/29/2013   - Five Precautions about Doing Good
    9/22/2013   - Please Listen Carefully
    9/15/2013   - Preaching Truth in a Tolerant Age
    9/1/2013   - Work Matters?
    8/25/2013 - Overcoming Doubt (Paul McGinty)
    8/4/2013   - God Is Love
    7/28/2013  - Holy, Holy, Holy
    7/21/2013  - He Knows My Name
    7/14/2013  - Who's in Charge Here?
    7/7/2013   - In God We Trust
    6/30/2013  - What's God Got to do With It?
    6/23/2013  - Getting Through Tough Times
    6/9/2013   - God's Tattoo (Lee Henry)
    6/2/2013   - A True Story
    5/26/2013 - Soldiers of Christ
    5/19/2013 - What About the Church - 5
    5/12/2013 - Mother's Day Message
    4/28/2013 - What About the Church - 3
    4/21/2013 - What About the Church - 2
    4/7/2013   - A Great Door of Effective Work
    3/31/2013  - Is This Incredible?
    3/24/2013  - Thy Word is a Lamp Unto My Feet - 2
    3/17/2013  - Thy Word is a Lamp Unto My Feet - 1
    3/10/2013  - The Future in Present Tense
    3/3/2013   - Faith according to Hebrews
    2/24/2013  - Learning to Love One Another
    2/17/2013  - What's the Good Word?
    2/10/2013  - Clues to an Ideal Marriage
    2/3/2013   - How to Walk in Love
    1/20/2013 - Finishing What God Started
    1/13/2013 - The Judgement to Come

    12/30/2012 - Righteousness
    12/23/2012 - Waiting For Christmas
    12/16/2012 - Do Not Love the World
    12/9/2012   - Why Love the World? (Lee Henry)
    11/25/2012 - Psalm 67
    11/18/2012 - Psalm 66
    10/28/2012 - Life by the Spirit - Meekness
    10/21/2012 - Life by the Spirit - Faithfulness
    10/14/2012 - Life by the Spirit - Goodness
    10/7/2012  -  Life by the Spirit - Kindness
    9/30/2012  -  Life by the Spirit - Patience
    9/23/2012  -  Life by the Spirit - Peace
    9/16/2012  -  Life by the Spirit - Joy
    9/9/2012    -  Life by the Spirit - Love
    9/2/2012    -  Introduction - Life by the Spirit